Learn the truth about covid-19: Resources that can empower you to make informed decisions

I care about your health and wellness and living in a healthy, free, loving and peaceful society.  I created this page of resources to empower you with knowledge so you can make informed decisions about your health and wellness and that of your family. 

Knowledge is power.  I compiled the resources below to help you with your research since you won’t hear or find this information in the mainstream media due to censorship.  It includes links to medical information regarding covid, the experimental vaccine being pushed by our governments, safe and effective treatments for covid (not the jab), adverse events reports for covid-19 jab, research & science about masks and vaccines, legal rights, health rights, legal action being taken against governments for unlawful covid measures, and various individuals and groups advocating for your health and medical rights and freedoms and empowering people and small businesses during these challenging times. I include stress relief resources, as well as, resources to help you assert your rights and take action to effect positive change. At the end of the resources list, I share some of my personal thoughts and tidbits of channeled messages about this pandemic, as well as, some things we can do to create positive change. I encourage you to keep an open mind, be curious and question everything.

There are many more resources available on the websites listed below.  You may wish to sign up for the newsletters on the respective websites to stay up to date with current research and information.

Health & Medical

Top Reasons Not to be Afraid of Covid (Canada Health Alliance, video 11.44 min): https://rumble.com/embed/vc5e11/?pub=4

Protecting our Children from Harm (Canada Health Alliance, video 21.56 min): https://rumble.com/vh9l6z-protecting-our-children-from-harm.html

Canada Health Alliance: https://www.canadahealthalliance.org/

Informed Consent: It’s your right.  A must watch video on informed consent regarding the covid 19 vaccines: (Canadian Covid Care Alliance, video 3.44 min): https://rumble.com/vleq43-informed-consent-its-your-right.html

Do Masks Work? Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle performs a simple experiment to see (video 3.05 min): https://rumble.com/vo0jx5-do-masks-work-a-simple-experiment-with-dr-byram-bridle.html

MP Derek Sloan Raises Concerns Over Censorship of Doctors and Scientists (video 39.8 min): https://cpac.ca/episode?id=cd50ce93-5138-4489-a88f-bb8065b7aa32

Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/, https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/resources/covid-19/

Letter prepared by Vaccine Choice Canada provides an excellent summary about the concerns with the covid 19 experimental vaccine: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/in-the-news/dear-family-friends-and-colleagues-re-covid-19-vaccine-concerns/

The Facts. Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Health (research, rights, health resources, Vaccine Choice Canada): https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/uncategorized/vaccine-regret/

The Birth of Medical Apartheid in Canada (Position Paper – Vaccine Choice Canada): https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/in-the-news/position-paper-medical-coercion/

Doctor’s Panel – Vaccine Shedding, Transmission & Solutions (Vaccine Choice Canada, video 1.45.54 min): https://rumble.com/embed/vggxzf/?pub=4

America’s Frontline Doctors: https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/

Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth About Covid-19 Vaccine (video 56.08 min): https://www.bitchute.com/video/gExaDT9zX5Wo/

Stand For Health Freedom (USA): https://standforhealthfreedom.com/

Stand for Health Freedom (Canada): https://standforhealthfreedom.com/shf-canada/

Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine, video 27.48 min): https://brandnewtube.com/v/75grLS

Ask The Experts II (Covid-19 Vaccine, video 54.21 min): https://brandnewtube.com/v/WxqenF

Questioning Covid (Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts):  https://questioningcovid.com/

COVID Vaccine Necessity, Efficacy and Safety (Article by Doctors for Covid Ethics, @Doctors4CovidEthics on odysee): https://bit.ly/3fwYL9z

National Vaccine Information Centre, Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century (various experts, video presentations): https://www.protectinghealthandautonomyinthe21stcentury.com/

The Truth about Vaccines: https://thetruthaboutvaccines.com/

GreenMedInfo: The Science of Natural Healing: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/

Virus Protection by Medical Medium Anthony William (free pdf download) https://www.medicalmedium.com/free-reports/virus-protection

Medical Medium Anthony William: https://www.medicalmedium.com/

Canadian Adverse Events reported following COVID-19 vaccination (weekly updates): https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/

USA Adverse Events reported following COVID-19 vaccination (weekly updates) https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data

Civil, Business, Legal

We Are All Essential (Empowering small business to stay open during unlawful lockdowns): https://weareallessential.ca/

Freedom Rising (Directory of human rights and freedom advocates): https://freedomrising.info

Hug Over Masks: https://hugsovermasks.ca/

The Real Chris Sky: https://realchrissky.com/

Whole HeartedMedia: https://www.wholeheartedmedia.ca/

Bright Light News – Shining a light on the covid-19 narrative. Investigate. Facts matter: https://brightlightnews.com/

A Letter to the Unvaccinated. OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt and several fellow Canadian academics penned an open letter to support those who have decided not to accept the COVID-19 vaccine (Ontario Civil Liberties Association): https://ocla.ca/a-letter-to-the-unvaccinated/?fbclid=IwAR1r7KybnnWEVpZMTc1875iaW9RN_SXpu4-MNcxLaftc5gllFcBiJP2V0fw

We Are Well into the Millions – World Wide Freedom Rally 2.0 – Global Recap (WholeHearted Media, video 1.39 min): https://youtu.be/qB3dXptyd3g

Oracle Films: https://www.oraclefilms.com/ The Pushback (Worldwide Freedom Rally) documentary film: https://odysee.com/@OracleFilms:1/The-Push-back-Oracle-Films-2021-World-Wide-Rally-WWD-Global-protest-UK:7

Your Rights to decline a Vaccine in the context of Employment (Rocco Galati, Constitutional Rights Centre, video 8.46 min): https://youtu.be/UHbMMf2c6KI

Your Rights to Decline Mandatory Covid Measures (Rocco Galati, Constitutional Rights Centre, video 42.31 min): https://youtu.be/Q3wWxJ5L9Pk

Defending Children’s Rights – School Action (Constitutional Rights Centre, video 51.02 min): https://youtu.be/O6_onplNaTM

Constitutional Rights Centre: https://www.constitutionalrightscentre.ca/

Stand up Canada: https://standupcanada.solutions/

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: https://www.jccf.ca/

Covid: The Political Pandemic (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, video 25.54): https://rumble.com/embed/vcxbx9/?pub=4

Police on Guard For Thee: https://policeonguard.ca/

Children’s Health Defense (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) https://childrenshealthdefense.org/

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Crimes Against Humanity (video 49 min): https://www.bitchute.com/video/zarFW3hwuyBc/

Stress Relief

Intuitive Wellness self-care tool kit: https://intuitivepenny.com/self-care-took-kit/ 

The Tapping Solution app: https://www.thetappingsolution.com/blog/tapping-solution-app/

HeartMath Tools for reducing stress and staying balanced: https://www.heartmath.org/resources/downloads/12-heartmath-tools/

Take Action

Resources to help Canadians resist COVID vaccination mandates: https://www.lifesitenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/How-to-resist-COVID-jab-mandates-in-Canada-%E2%80%94-a-comprehensive-guide-4.pdf

Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki (Mounties for Freedom). You may also add your signature to the letter:  https://mounties4freedom.ca/

Canada, Protect Your Medical and Travel Autonomy. Stand against the medical coercion of vaccine passports: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/protect-your-autonomy/

Act Now America: Say NO To Vaccine Passports: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/say-no-to-vaccine-passports/

Police on Guard has created a letter template you can use to assert your rights against mandatory vaccines and testing, as well as, remind your employers of your rights and their obligations under the laws.  Notice to Employers regarding Mandatory Vaccination: https://policeonguard.ca/template-of-notice-to-employers-regarding-mandatory-vaccination/

Action4Canada.com has created Notices of Liability (NOLS) that you can download and use to assert your rights and the rights of your family.  They have a Covid Testing Notice of Liability (against forced testing); Vaccine Notices of Liability (you can send to individuals and groups recommending and coercing people to get the experimental jab), includes NOLS for Parents, Students and Concerned Citizens to send to schools, NOLS for Employees to give to employers, as well as, NOLS to send to elected officials.  They have a Business Notice of Liability to protect your business from government interference.  They also have an exemption letter you can send schools to protect your children from harmful school mandates (masks, social distancing, etc.).  All these resources can be found here:  https://action4canada.com/notices-of-liability-covid-related-business_mask_jab_pcr-testing_etc/

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance also has an “Urgent Notification of Liability related to proposed mandatory COVID-19 vaccination” that you can download and send to schools: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/media-resources/school-notice/

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance, https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/resources, has created a guide for university and college student seeking residence vaccine exemptions, which you can claim for medical, religious and human rights reasons: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/AGuideforStudentResidentsSeekingVaccineExemptions.pdf

Stop medical discrimination (America’s Frontline Doctors) Petition to Stop Forced Experimental Vaccines: https://stopmedicaldiscrimination.org/

Stop COVID-19 vaccination campaign for children (Canada): https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/stop-covid-19-vaccination-campaign-for-children/

Canadian scientists and doctors face censorship, slander, and intimidation.  Canada: Let your elected officials know, Stop the censorship: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/canadian-scientists-doctors-censorship/

Tell your elected officials that covid-19 vaccines must be voluntary! Personal choice, not public pressure or coercion, must be the only factor in getting the vaccine (Canada): https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/act-now-canada-vaccines-must-be-voluntary/

Stand for Health Freedom: Ask your Governor to lift COVID-19 restrictions in schools: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/lift-school-covid-guidelines/

Stand for Health Freedom: Sign Petition to Convene a Special Grand Jury To Investigate the CDC’s Conduct During covid-19: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/cdc-grand-jury-investigation/

Stand for Health Freedom: Sign Petition to say no to forced vaccines: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/say-no-forced-coronavirus-vaccine/

Sign Federal MP Derek Sloan’s Petition to stop the Vaxxport (Canada): https://www.dereksloan.ca/stopthevaxxport

Roman Baber, MPP, tabled the Jobs & Jabs Bill, 2021 (Canada) which will prevent employers from firing or penalizing employees because of their vaccination status or for refusing to disclose their vaccination status.  Sign his petition to show your support for this bill: https://romanbaber.ca/jobsbill/; Sign Lift the Lockdown: http://romanbaber.ca/lockdown-info/

Randy Hillier, MPP, Sign Petition to Stop Mandatory Face Masks (Canada): https://www.randyhilliermpp.com/petition_facemasks; Sign Petition to end lockdowns: https://www.randyhilliermpp.com/petition_nolockdown; Sign Petition No Vaccine Passports: https://www.randyhilliermpp.com/petition_vaccinepassport; Sign Petition for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID Response: https://www.randyhilliermpp.com/petition_rcicovid

Petition to remove masks from children in Canadian schools by Action4Canada: https://action4canada.com/protect-our-kids-remove-the-masks/

Personal Thoughts and Spiritual Guidance

Our governments have been spreading misinformation about covid-19 from the beginning.  They are being influenced by the big pharma mafia who are very sophisticated in their psychological manipulation of the population, exploiting people’s vulnerability and good nature.

Masks don’t protect you or stop the spread of covid.  Masks actually increase your chances of getting sick physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.  Masks are a symbolic form of oppression designed to silence people into submission and conformity and a way to keep people in a state of fear.  If the science shows that masks are useless against covid or any viruses, why does the government continue to promote it’s use?

The experimental vaccine is not safe, it does not make you safe, and it does not stop the spread of covid. This is government propaganda to coerce people into taking the jab. The adverse events reports shows that your risk of getting sick increases with the jab.  Most people are not aware of what they are agreeing to when they take the experimental jab and that they are actually participating in the largest drug trial in human history. This is happening, not just in Canada, but globally as the big pharma mafia tries to control the world’s population.  Why are our governments manipulating people into taking an experimental vaccine, without informed consent, for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate when there are already safe and effective treatments available?

Doctors, health care practitioners and human rights advocates have been raising red flags about the governments covid response being unscientific and causing more harm to the public.  The government is ignoring reason and science, and vilifying and censoring doctors and health advocates who are sharing the science and lifesaving health information.  Big pharma has gone to great lengths to have these medical doctors and advocates censored in the mainstream media and deplatformed on most social media websites.  Why do you only have access to one narrative in the mainstream?  Why are doctors being silenced and censored?

These are really challenging times.  No one likes to think that the big pharma mafia and our governments would lie to us and cause this kind of harm on a such a massive scale but this is the level of corruption we’re dealing with today.  The unlawful covid measures for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate is nonsensical, unscientific, and counterintuitive.

When I asked my spirit guides what I could do to help with the current situation, they repeatedly said “be the light”.  Being the light means to emanate love, peace, truth, clarity, compassion and wisdom.  So that’s what I’m doing to the best of my ability.  Being the light also means to shine light onto the dark, to expose the truth of dark agendas or ugly side of reality and see it for what it is, in order transmute it. 

I believe humanity is being called and challenged to recognize the fear-based government propaganda about covid and variants, as well as, the internal fears this incites, and heal your fears so you can rise above them.  When you heal your fears, you are able to think clearly and rationally and can easily recognize your resilience.  When you heal your fears, you invite in more love, peace and joy, and naturally expand your ability to love to others.  People and communities thrive in a loving society.

Last year, I channeled a message from my spirit guides about the virus we’re dealing with today.  You can read the full message here or hear me share the message here.  Basically, fear is the virus and the biggest threat we have been dealing with throughout this entire pandemic.  Our survival depends upon our ability to release our fears, raise our awareness and consciousness, recognize our power and resilience, and engage with ourselves and each other from a place of love and kindness. Are you engaging with yourself and others from a state of fear or a state of love?

We have the power to transform our governments and cultivate a loving society by saying no to the unlawful and unjustified measures being inflicted upon us and through civil disobedience or united non-compliance.  We can stand together and demand that our governments do better and be better. 

I have never worn a mask because I’m aware of what they represent and aware they can make you sick.   I refuse to participate in the government’s medical experiment and I choose to stand up for my rights to health and medical freedoms.  

If you want, you can also say no to the harmful measures.  You can stop wearing a mask, and if necessary, state you have an exemption (we’re all exempt under the human rights code).  You can say no to the experimental jab.  If your work says you need the experimental jab, this is a human rights violation, and you can say no.  You can sign the petitions included in the resource list above to help make your voice heard.  You can stand up for your rights to health and medical freedom and connect with like-minded people.  There’s a lot of us!  

I’m available to support you during these challenging times with spiritual guidance or help with managing and healing distressing emotions.  You can learn more about my services here and schedule an appointment here.

To your health and wellness, with love & blessings,



  1. Today l met the challenge with my own Doctor .
    Told him l will deal with Covid with my already strong Immune system. Rather than see the severe side effects theVacine caused in 2 friends.

    1. Author

      Way to stand your ground Harry!! Your strong immune system is your best defense!

      Sorry about your friends. People are not receiving informed consent and are not aware of the real risks of taking the experimental jab.

      The Canada Health Alliance (CHA) has a downloadable letter on their website (https://www.canadahealthalliance.org/) that you can give or send to your doctor. The letter invites healthcare providers to watch CHA’s educational video about COVID-19 called “Top Reasons Not to be Afraid of Covid” (the letter includes a video transcript).

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